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In the past decade, we had witnessed some of the greatest breakthroughs in mankind, and apparently, VR was amongst them. Back then, virtual reality was just a concept that had both critics and innovators bewildered on how to introduce VR to society. Now, the fact is, we are living in 2019, and till this date, we’ve come across many feats in the app development market and now we can experience fiction and fantasy within an app.

While new technologies being introduced, they are also helping businesses to earn money. And if your business is already app-focused, it might be the right time for you to think about supplementing it with a VR effect. Therefore, you should consider the necessity of VR app development in the first place. Well, in order to do that, you’ll have to spend an admissible amount of money to implement this great idea, but being a VR App Development Company, we’d recommend you to give a shot to make a VR oriented game.

Economic Impact of Virtual Reality by the year 2020

The statistic shows three growth scenarios for the global economic impact of VR from 2016 to 2020. In the high-adoption scenario, the economic impact of VR is forecast to amount of $29.5 billion in 2020.

What Does It Take To Make A VR App?

Even though there is no definite recipe for making an estimated cost of building a VR app, there are still some tips to help you understand the main principles on which a cost gets finalized. For now, we can only tell you to hold on to your best ideas for making a VR app of your dreams and meanwhile learn some tricks to save funds during its building and promotion.

What are the Benefits of Having a VR application?

VR app development will help you to communicate your idea to the consumer more clearly. For example, instead of just posting a photo on the app store let a user literally plunge into its atmosphere.

VR application is a great way to increase user engagement because we as a typical being perceive the world visually. As a matter of fact, VR is literally the first invention that is capable of transmitting smells, touches, and sounds in real time.

With VR app development, you’ll get an additional channel of communication with your client which leads to increase the loyalty factor.

Which Industries are Incorporating VR?

Virtual Reality is basically the creation of a world in which an individual can experience the sensations as close as possible, you’ll literally feel like you are standing there in the scenario; that’s what VR is capable of doing. As a matter of fact, there are certain different configurations of VR systems that depend on the devices being used, such as smartphones, glasses, 3D video cubes, and even VR rooms that are somewhat of a new innovation in the market. Some of these have such a strong impact that sometimes it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish between an artificially generated environment and the real one.

It’s 2019 already, and VR is evidently becoming more and more in demand in the innovation market. The reason behind this much popularity of VR is the fact that the possibilities of incorporating VR are just groundbreaking.

Virtual Reality applications are being used in these industries:

iconHotel businesses

iconHealthcare development

iconTravel agencies

iconEducation area


iconOnline stores

iconOnline Games

Without a doubt, VR app development is a new level of technological progress that allows us to complement and expand human consciousness by incorporating its hidden resources.

We know that you came here for an initial costing of a VR app, but before getting right into that, we need to answer some of the frequently asked questions first……..

How to Earn Money with a Virtual Reality App?

Being a leading VR app development company, we’d recommend you to focus on using the in-app purchase system, since most of the app developers use this strategy to make millions of dollars.

Some of the best Virtual Reality Apps

Within VR

This is a mobile app which is available on both iOS and Android platforms. The motive of this app is to provide and empower children with fascinating stories, which also will encourage then experience the world they’ve ever seen before.

Google Cardboard

As the name suggests, this app is developed by Google and is initially the one we’d recommend you to use. All you need is the official YouTube app; it allows you to see the beauties of the worlds you’ve never even imagined before. Moreover, with Google Street View integration, a user can be transferred to anywhere in the world. Sounds interesting, isn’t it?


This is an app that has been introduced by none other than the New York Times newspaper. The editors decided to expand the standard toolkit of the reporter so the viewer can directly experience the events.

So, can you feel the urge of making such an app? If yes! Then we are glad to tell you that you are ready to learn how to make a VR application.

Also read: Enterprise Application Development: Measuring Expectations and Reality

What exactly do you need for VR App Development?

To start things out in a proper way, you should fill out a brief which you will be offering with the app. At this stage, your goal should be to formulate your wishes for the future of your app. Based on this information, one can create a detailed document that will describe the requirements for your service and specify all the deadlines.

This functional specification will help out app developers in the process and will live up to your expectations. Well, here are some things which you need to remember at all times:

iconDesired app features

iconObjectives of the project

iconPossible ways to monetize your app

iconThe user problems you want to solve

Moreover, you should always make sure to describe your task clearly, in order to get exactly what you expected.

Factors That Determine the Cost of VR App Development

Now, it’s time for us to discuss some of the major factors that can make an impact on your initial cost of VR app development.

The Reputation of the Company you’ve Chosen

It is a fact that the more experienced developers work in the company you’ve hired, the more money they’ll accept in exchange for their services. And along with that, a company’s expertise will inevitably affect the development costs. We, being one of the best app development companies out there would recommend you to not only to go for that company’s reputation but also go for the highest quality services possible.

App Developer’s Location (Outsourcing)

Besides the company’s reputation, location also matters and can affect the cost of development. So, it is recommended to determine the company’s location. As far as our experience is concerned, we want you to outsource your app development for Asian countries like India and Philippines since these are such countries where human labor is cheaper than that of countries like the United States and European Countries.


While making a VR app, there are some certain things which as a developer you have to consider, like platforms. Here are some platforms that you should always look into:

iconOculus VR

iconGohar VR

iconHTC Vive

iconGoogle Cardboard

In an ideal scenario, you should know how to create a VR app that will work on any platform that the user prefers.

What Kind of Experts do you Need?

Now let’s dive into the list of experts that you’ll need while making a VR app.

Designers: While making a VR app, the designer’s task is harder than anybody else in the team since the two-dimensional interface doesn’t work for VR. It makes them invest time on experiments and new approaches towards app development.

Project Manager: His task is to make sure that everything is running smooth and sound as per the client’s guidelines.

Developers: As per our experience, you need at least three developers to pull this off without facing any issues whatsoever. They’ll do everything to make an app that can run hassle-free with all the available platforms.

How Much Does A VR Cost?

Finally, the moment has come that had you on the side of your couch all the time. We, being a leading VR app development company, can make your VR application within the budget of $25,000 to $35,000. Now, you must be thinking, where all your money would be going? Which is the reason, why we’ve enlisted all the development stages your app will be going through.

iconMarket Research

iconProject Documentation





iconRelease and Support of the Application

Now, you know almost everything regarding how to make a VR application. Now, the question is “are you ready to build one for your business?” if yes, then make sure to contact a reliable app development company for further assistance.

Anshul Sharma

Anshul Sharma is the visionary CEO of Fluper, the leading mobile app development company known for its innovative solutions and cutting-edge mobile applications. With a relentless drive for excellence and a deep understanding of the tech industry, Anshul leads Fluper with a focus on delivering value-driven products that transform businesses. Under his leadership, Fluper has become synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation in the digital space.

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