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Chrome 94 stable update has been released by Google for Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows operating systems. Google Chrome 94 stable is the first version of Chrome of the new four-week release cycle. Previously, Chrome update was released every six weeks. Its features include HTTPS-First mode that makes users browsing more secure. Also, Google said that 19 different security issues were fixed in the Chrome 94 version.

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Chrome 94 introduces HTTPS-First mode. It is available in Chrome for desktop systems and for Android. HTTPS is a more secure version of HTTP and many websites support it. With the latest update, the browser will also show a full-page warning when the user loads a site that doesn’t support HTTPS. This ensures privacy when using public Wi-Fi.

Chrome 94 also allows Android tablets to host desktop websites. It can now allow inactive tab groups to be frozen, automatically start Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), show a refreshed UI on Android, show updated table renders on webpages, and more.

Another new feature brought by Chrome 94 for desktops is the sharing hub. This feature allows users to copy links, get a QR code, and share to third-party websites. The option to Send to your devices is only available to signed-in users. The sharing hub on Chrome can be accessed through either an omnibox icon or the 3-dot menu. If the user is not signed in, the option does not appear. Desktop sharing hub is supported on Chrome for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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