After May, Facebook will introduce its latest news platform in Germany, offering different articles from more than 100 German existing media outlets. This US-based multinational tycoon disclosed this news on Monday. A dedicated journalistic content will release in German in May 2021 by Facebook stated that it would deliver numerous contents from a “strong and diverse range” of German titles.
In 2019, this Facebook News platform has come out in the US and in January launched in the UK, offers users the world’s top-ranked social network hand-selected news topic bought from conventional publishers. This social giant will pay to those publishers for their topics with a wide list of German partners starting from reputed national weeklies including Der Spiegel, and Die Zeit to local dailies such as the Rheinische Post.
German platform will appear with 100 and more media brands where it has such major groups included like Conde Nast and Funke. According to a spokesperson of Axel Springer, it seems problematic while few media platforms are in one single hand trying to turn a news media themselves on the other hand simultaneously low payment issue creates discouragement and disappointment among the publishers.
Most of the media houses are suffering from dwindling revenue of advertisements and print sales as all topics have shifted online and freely available for everyone. In terms of balancing the modern tech giants and conventional media houses, the European Union has incorporated ‘neighborhood right’ in 2019 that reshape the law of copyright. However, Facebook has not shown any such interest in the agreement, preferring instead to concentrate on its own initiatives like Facebook Journalism and Facebook News.