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In this highly competitive mobile app market, quality is the key to success. And when it comes to measuring the quality of an app, there is no better way than to apply various types of testing activities on it.

All these testing activities are extremely important as an app is made to work on limited hardware, and has to pass many tests carried out on dozens of variables before making it live for the audience.

In this blog, we have come up with 10 unique tips that will help you to carry successful tests on your mobile apps. So without further ado, let’s jump straight in!

Tips for Successful Mobile App Testing

Start with prototype

Being a leading web and mobile app development company, we start testing right from the prototype stage. Once you have made a prototype, it has to be tested right!

We have seen many mobile app development companies not laying emphasis on testing a prototype. It is extremely crucial as a prototype contains all the app flow screens and can give you an idea as to what you need to add or what you need to get rid of from your app functionalities.

Do not use Emulators for Testing

Some of the most popular tech experts say that doing testing on emulator devices is not good. The emulator is nothing but software which tries to work as a piece of hardware.

This can work if you are in the development phase but since you are testing, it might be disastrous considering your users will not run the app on the emulator.

Use More Devices and OS Versions

 While testing your app consider these three points which we will discuss next:

iconTest on more than one device

iconUse more than one screen size or resolution

iconAlways use more than one OS

Testing an app on various devices and screen sizes is very crucial. Most of the Top mobile app development companies in UK, like us consider testing on various OS versions, screen sizes, and devices.

This helps and prepares companies in covering most popular market devices that are a must to be tested against.

Remember that what works on one version of an OS necessarily will not work on other versions of the OS. This is why you need to make sure your app is compatible with OS like Android, iOS, etc.

Tip: In case of any help you can rely on your nearest Mobile app development Company

Manage Your Time Effectively

There are many apps that require the periodic deployment of beta versions. This is why a mobile app development agency needs to invest a lot of time and money in running regression testing sessions for each version.

If you have considerably lesser time than smoke testing is a better option for saving time. Remember that all the bug reports will make your app a better version every time, and will be received well by the end-user.

Review Functionality

Every app is made up of several functionalities which are an integral part of the app. This is why you should make sure whether the app is performing all the important functions that it is meant to do or not.

Your old test cases can help you consider while you work on a complex app requirement.

Furthermore, focus on improving your documentation. This will be of so much help when your team members and project managers will be looking in to understand about the project.

Review User Experience

There are some features or parameters that are difficult to be measured or test easily. This is where usability testing can be of great help. The whole purpose of usability testing is to check what features are working well and can be enhanced.

Moreover, it helps to know, what the driving factors are that force a user to install it. The reason why some companies create the best apps for users is not only based on its team’s expertise but also the way they look at things at.

In improving user experience, tools like Google Analytics and others can be of great help to a mobile app design and development agency.

Automate for Faster Success

For achieving faster success, you need to do continuous testing so that you can know how your scripts are working. For this, you can use the previously written use cases or lines of code which will save your time from testing.

In case your app is launched on a lesser number of devices, you can consider going for a device like Amazon device firm. If you require testing cross-platform apps, you can go for Calabash (for Ruby) and Appsium (for Ruby, JavaScript, C#, PHP).

Test for Download and Network Issues

There could be issues that might arise due to downloading and installation problems. Before you work on your app development plan, understand that the app you are going to make needs to be suitable for all sorts of people and device.

There can be people who will be working on slow network connection like EDGE or faster networks like Wi-Fi.

Moreover, the app should be lighter so that the ones that are on a slow connection can also download it. Many times, the application requires a GPS or Bluetooth connection to be activated.

In such a scenario, make sure a message is displayed notifying user to turn off the connection to save the battery life.

Fix App Discovery Issues

After you design, develop, test, and launch your mobile app, you would expect it to get a huge number of downloads. Well, it is not that easy as in the initial period your app will not be discoverable.

Being one of the best mobile app development companies in UK, we highly insist developers focus on promoting the app on various online and offline channels. Practices like Content Marketing, Ad campaigns, social media marketing, etc. need to be taken care of to make the app discoverable.

Fixing App Crashing Issues

As per a report, about 62 percent of people uninstall the app in case of any app crash activity. Moreover, 2 out of 100 apps experience app to crash. This is why, as an app developer, it is your responsibility to make sure that the app crash does not happen.

For this, do multiple phases of testing activities, whichever is required are to be done. If your team is unable to do this, it is possible that you might end up giving too many weeks to come out of all of this.

Most of the apps experience testing issues can greatly minimize its chances of going well with users. Moreover, there is no such testing strategy that can ensure your success at app development.

But the proper selection of target devices like emulators, and physical devices mixed with a mobile testing strategy can ensure you better results at your app development project.

Have an app idea? Contact Fluper, a leading Top Mobile app development company in London, UK and get a 30-minute free consultation on your app idea.

Anshuman Kumar

Anshumann Kumar, in his role as Delivery Manager at Fluper, has been streamlining the technical complications that come in a bundle when building modern and innovative mobile applications. An issue solver by day and analytical reader by night, Mr. Anshumann always try his hands at the latest technological innovations so that the clients always get something unique.

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